Mathematics at Beaconfields
· Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
· Develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.
· To reason and problem solve by applying mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.
· To build upon pupils’ knowledge and understanding – what they already know and make connections to new learning.
· To develop resilience that enables all pupils to reason and problem solve with increased fluency and confidence.
· To ensure full topic coverage, the school uses ‘White Rose Maths’ Curriculum. This is a whole-school primary maths curriculum that creates continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics.
· A mastery approach is implemented to ensure all pupils are able to access the curriculum, including SEND, Pupil Premium and the lowest 20% of pupils. Pupils are challenged through careful questioning to deepen their understanding and mathematical thinking.
· Pupils review previous learning at the beginning of the maths lessons to ensure knowledge and skills are being retained. Pupils build on the solid foundations of what they already know to make connections to new learning.
· Daily maths lessons are taught with rigour and include elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
· Concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations are used to support conceptual understanding and to make links across topics. Teachers carefully model how to use the maths equipment to provide clarity and a deeper understanding.
· Assessment for Learning is used to determine individual pupil needs. Pre-Teach is completed 3 times a week to ensure pupils keep up, rather than catch up.
· Pupils are assessed on a termly basis.
· Most pupils reach end of year expectations.
· Pupils’ progress is tracked on DC Pro. Rigorous pupil progress meetings are in place to ensure all pupils make progress and individuals at risk of falling behind are identified early to ensure they keep up.
· Well planned and carefully crafted lessons scaffold learning and ensure that all pupils are able to access the mathematics. Well-planned sequences of learning support pupils to develop and refine their maths skills and knowledge.
· Pupils are able to independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems.
· Pupils are reasoning with increased confidence and accuracy.
· Pupils enjoy maths here at Beaconfields. They achieve well and all pupils enjoy success.